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7 Things Grandpa Taught Me About Cribbage – And Life

With quiet wisdom, my grandpa has taught me a lot about the game of life over the years. Here are 7 things my grandpa taught me about cribbage (and maybe a little about life).

1. Never Underestimate the Power of 15

You’d think after decades of playing, Grandpa would get tired of counting to 15, but nope. Every time I lay down a card that makes 15, I get a classic, “That’s the bread and butter of cribbage, kid!” In his world, scoring 2 points for 15 is like hitting a jackpot in Vegas.

Life Lesson: Small wins add up. Take every opportunity to score your points.

2. The Crib Is Sacred

Just like in cribbage, where the crib can make or break the game, Grandpa always said a the next generation is equally sacred. “What you put into the crib matters,” he’d say, reminding me how important it is to guard treasures wisely in both the game and in life. In cribbage, throwing away valuable cards to the crib is like handing the game over to your opponent. In life, the crib holds our most valuable treasures—our children.

Life Lesson: Just as you protect your best cards, nurture and protect the most precious things in life—our children, and the spaces where they grow.

3. “Go” Can Save Your Game

I used to think if you couldn’t play a card, you were toast. But Grandpa showed me the art of the “Go”. “Let them overplay their hand,” he’d say. Then he’d casually drop a card and steal those extra points like he planned it all along. The man has no shame when it comes to winning by “go.”

Life Lesson: Sometimes, knowing when to pause and wait for the right opportunity is the key to success.

4. Never Ignore a Jack

In Grandpa’s world, pulling a Jack from the starter deck is like spotting a golden unicorn. “Heels!” he yells, every time. Two points may not sound like much, but to him, it’s a small victory worth celebrating like a championship win.

Life Lesson: Celebrate the little things—life’s too short not to get excited about small wins.

5. Don’t Get Too Comfortable

Just when you think you’re about to win, Grandpa would peg his way to victory with a grin. “The game’s not over ‘til you hit 121!” he’d say, reminding me that no lead is ever safe in cribbage. He’s pulled some miraculous comebacks in his day.

Life Lesson: Don’t get too comfortable. Stay sharp and finish strong.

6. Play the Long Game

While I’m busy chasing those quick points, Grandpa is calculating his moves for the next three turns. “It’s all about the long game,” he says. He’s patient, always looking two hands ahead, knowing when to hold back and when to play his best cards.

Life Lesson: Patience pays off. Plan for the future, and don’t rush your success.

7. Cribbage is Best Played with Family

Finally, the most important thing Grandpa ever taught me: cribbage isn’t just about scoring points or winning. It’s about the time spent together, the stories told, and the laughter shared. Whether we’re playing for fun or keeping a running score, it’s those moments around the table that make the game special.

Life Lesson: It’s not about the destination—it’s about the people you share the journey with.

Grandpa’s cribbage lessons have taught me more than just how to win a game. They’ve shown me how to savor the small victories, protect what matters, and always enjoy the journey. And even though he wins most of the time, those moments shared across the cribbage board are priceless.

Start your own family cribbage legacy with one of our custom 3-track cribbage boards. Explore the collection here and get your own beautifully crafted board.
